It doesn’t matter if you don’t like your logo

It doesn't matter if you don't like your logo

Talk to your clients, not to yourself – why you need a client-focused logo All businesses need a logo. It makes you look like the professional operation you are, whether you work in the City or from a home office. It also steers the rest of your branding, providing colours, style and font. But it’s…

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Is your branding consistent?

Consistent Branding

Is your branding consistent? Three reasons why it should be… With brands appearing in so many different locations, and corporate identity being required for everything from signage to sponsorship, keeping your brand consistent is really important. Both your current and future customers need to be able to instantly identify your brand, whether they’re looking at…

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Why you should be thinking about Christmas now

It’s time to get ready for Christmas bookings Now we’re in November, your new print for the festive season has to be ready as soon as possible. Businesses planning for Christmas parties, not to mention families hoping to go away for Christmas, want to get on with it now to be sure of booking with…

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What happens if I change my logo?

What happens if I change my logo

If I change my logo, will I lose my customers? Your logo probably dates back to whenever you started your company. It probably reflects whatever your core business was at that time, as well as styles and fonts that were in vogue at the time. Look at the first Microsoft logo – I’m sure you…

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Coronavirus Help

Coronavirus Help

IF YOU ARE A BUSINESS OWNER – THIS IS FOR YOU In the weeks ahead there are several vital steps you can take to protect your business and do whatever we can to minimise loss of sales and most importantly, prepare your business to emerge from this chaos as strong as humanly possible. Many successful businesses are…

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Are you still open?

Are you still open? That’s a question a lot of my customers are asking me. It occurred to me, that whilst I know we’re open and still working, do my customers know? Keeping in touch and keeping lines of communication open is so important, especially at the moment. There are, sadly, going to be many…

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Brand or website?

Power of professional design

Brand or website – what’s more important? In 2018, every business needs a website. Customers can find all your products, services, contact details and back story in one place. It’s also an easy way to share news and content, with links quickly shared on social media and email. But more important than your website is…

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